Saturday, August 20, 2011

Start of the Borneo Adventure

Two years ago I would have never guessed that I will be landing in Malaysia at any point of my study life or even after that. I always imagined myself in a spot more like Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Besides, I did not even know where Borneo was exactly located until a year ago. However, this changed quite quickly and after reading a lot as well as watching like every youtube clip that was just slightly related to Malaysia or Borneo, I feel ready now! It was a long process of talking, waiting, talking, waiting and a lot of waiting, but finally all important things have been sorted out - except the visa - but well- that is gonna work somehow, I guess. ;-)
After months of organisation, tomorrow is the start of an amazing year!

Nevertheless, during the last days there were some more tough obstacles to take and I am speaking of packing! 20 kg for a year in one backpack is just pretty insane. What should I take? At first I thought - well, 20 kg- of course this makes maybe around 30 bottles of German beer. But well, I had to realise that this would not work since all the Malays would be so amazed by the beer that I probably would only get a little sip and have to hand out the rest to them. So I dropped this idea and went reluctantly for the more practical stuff, like changing clothes and shoes as well as toothbrush and so on, even though it is exactly that what you COULD buy over there. I can find a toothbrush at every corner in Malaysia but where the hell can I buy German beer?!
Then again, of course, I tell myself that the Malaysian beer cannot be that bad. I mean, they must be drinking something over there, right? ;-)

Now everything is done and I am basically just waiting for tomorrow and try to kill the time. Maybe you noticed that already. :D

So, what are my expectations of Malaysia and this year in Kuching? After reading and watching all that stuff, I only heard the coolest things and so Malaysia seems to be a freaking incredible country. I am very certain that the year will be insanely good but what do I expect in detail? I have no real clue to be honest. It is probably just the distance and the difference to the Western World what I expect; just an environment which I cannot even really imagine right now and what it is like to actually be there. It is gonna be very exciting the next few days to collect an enormous amount of new impressions and experience this place first hand!