Saturday, October 01, 2011

Hola Chicos y Chicas…

First of all, I am sorry that it took me so long to write an article, but Spain is simply too exciting, here is too much to do and the weather is too nice to sit inside in front of the computer ;-)

The time is passing by so quickly... I arrived in San Sebastian already 6 weeks ago! 

My entrance into my new Spanish life was a bit chaotic (but I guess that was foreseeable hehe). Summarized in some words: totally exhausted from my summer job, luggage lost by the airline, almost no Spanish language knowledge, only a tiny google-map, not exactly sure about the address of my apartment, and no contact telephone number... but I made it to my new family, and after a nice Spanish siesta I was able to realize that I actually arrived.

I live in an apartment with four other people, a mix of German, Italian and British... which doesn’t really help us improve our Spanish skills, but we are giving our best ;-) Therefore I feel like I live in an 5*-restaurant... maybe you can imagine why???
Before the actual uni started, I took a Spanish intensive course lasting for 2 weeks. During that time I/we had time to get to know the beautiful city, the beach and the amazing local food... pintxos, pintxos, pintxos... and of course the Txakoli! Even though the city was still packed with tourists in the beginning of our stay, we were able to experience a bit of the actual Basque way of life. We shall not forget that we are not in Spain, we are in the Basque country (I hope I make certain people proud with this sentence ;-).

Back to the actual reason of our stay here... studying... hehe. It took us about two whole weeks to figure out our final schedule. Accept from the Spanish and finance course which we chose from Denmark, our whole plan changed and it was very hard to meet the restrictions from both, our home and the Spanish university. The result is that we are taking three courses in Spain and 3 courses from Denmark. But I am sure, it is sooo worth the effort. Why?
Because whenever I walk up the hill to my university and have a nice view over the city or when I sit at the beach and look over the ocean I am happy that I took the chance to be here!! We love it!!

Hasta luego... over and out ;-)

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